This event is an online webinar offered by the Leeds Public Health Resource Centre. Joining instructions will be sent to you by e-mail in advance of the session.

Leeds is a wonderful place to age well. Our many strengths include a longstanding commitment to be Age Friendly; an increasingly diverse ageing population; places and spaces that enable people to live healthy, fulfilling and independent lives; a thriving voluntary sector and communities which support social interaction; some fantastic activities and services to help people to stay healthy; support for people to manage long term health conditions and stay connected and independent in later life.

Yet not everyone in later life has the same experiences of ageing well. Some communities spend a greater number of years in later life in poorer health. For example, people aged 50+ experience poorer outcomes across a range of issues. We see inequalities in later life for people living in deprived areas of Leeds, and for some ethnically diverse communities. We also see differences between men and women.

The session will cover:

  • An overview of healthy ageing and ageing well in Leeds, including data and the voices of older people.
  • What we can all do to support people, and ourselves, to stay healthy in later life and to reduce the time spent in poorer health.
  • Opportunities to get involved in work across the city, including being a part of Age Friendly Leeds.

The webinar is aimed at anyone working with adults in the city and interested in healthy ageing across the life course, including proactive and preventative work. It will be delivered by Hannah McGurk and Helen Laird from the Leeds Public Health Ageing Well team.

To book your place on this course, please visit Eventbrite: Healthy Ageing Event Leeds Eventbrite