Leeds Safeguarding Adults Board would like your feedback about their planned actions for the next three years.
Leeds Safeguarding Adults Board is a group of organisations working together to make sure people with care and support needs are supported to live safe, happy lives free from abuse and neglect.
Each year they review and update the work plan based on their ambitions.
The actions viewed as priorities for the next three years have been listed. Leeds Safeguarding Adults Board would like you to tell them if you think they have included the right actions. You can also add comments to tell them about anything else you think should be included in the plan.
The Survey
It should take you about 10 minutes to answer all the questions. The last day that you can respond is 31st May 2024.
If you need to speak to someone about this survey then please email [email protected].
Link to complete the survey: https://surveys.leeds.gov.uk/s/LTH8UN/