Volition is a registered charity and the lead provider of the Forum Central contract, delivered in partnership with Leeds Older People’s Forum (LOPF).
Our Work
Volition coordinates networks, with our members working in health and care in Leeds, with a focus on:
- Learning disabilities,
- Mental health
- Physical and sensory impairments
- Communities of interest
- Workforce support
Volition works in partnership with Thrive by Design to manage MindWell, the mental health website for adults in Leeds. MindWell provides quick and easy access to information all about mental health.
Volition was established in 1987 as the ‘Leeds Voluntary Sector Mental Health Forum’. In 2004 the charity changed its name to ‘Volition-Leeds’.
The Forum Central partnership emerged in 2016. It was established following consultation and feasibility studies conducted with commissioners and members of Volition, Tenfold, LOPF and the PSI (physical and sensory impairment) Network. The scope of this change was to streamline commissioning and strengthen the voice of the third sector in health and care.
In 2017 Volition merged with the PSI Network the Leeds third sector infrastructure group hosted by Voluntary Action Leeds. In 2020 we merged with Tenfold, the Learning Disability Forum. From April 2020 the newly merged organisation opted to use the working name Volition.
For an overview of the Volition team check the Our Team page.
The Volition Board of Trustees is the governing body providing leadership and direction for the organisation. Our trustees are a skilled and diverse group who are passionate about the people and communities in Leeds. To learn more see the Volition trustee profiles.
Volition-Leeds (working name Volition)
Registered charity no. 1092126
Company Ltd by guarantee in England and Wales no. 4046674
Registered address: Suite C24 Joseph’s Well, Hanover Walk, Leeds, England, LS3 1AB