Forum Central is the collective voice for the health and care third sector. We work to make sure our sector is involved and has influence in the overall strategic planning for health and care in Leeds.

We showcase the activities of the third sector to help others understand the impact and breadth of the sector. Our work aims to highlight how the sector is contributing to developments in health and care.

Integrated care systems

Integrated care is about giving people the support they need, joined up across local councils, the NHS, and other health and care partners.

Integrated care systems (ICSs) are partnerships between the organisations that meet health and care needs across an area, to coordinate services and to plan in a way that improves population health and reduces inequalities between different groups.

Integrated care systems (ICSs) are geographically based partnerships that bring together providers and commissioners of NHS services with local authorities and other local partners to plan, co-ordinate and commission health and care services. They are part of a fundamental shift in the way the health and care system is organised – away from competition and organisational autonomy and towards collaboration, with health and care organisations working together to integrate services and improve population health. ICSs have been developing for several years – the Health and Care Bill will put them on a statutory footing from 01 July 2022.

The Health and Care Bill contains a series of measures which would formally establish Integrated Care Systems (‘ICS’) and give their governing bodies more responsibilities, empowering them to better join up health and care, improve people’s health and reduce health inequalities.

ICS in West Yorkshire

West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership deliver strategic decision making about health service priorities. Under the White Paper proposals, on 01 July 2022 they will be the Integrated Care System for West Yorkshire which will be a statutory body.

The Leeds Office of the NHS West Yorkshire ICS is the ICB in Leeds.

Place Based Partnerships

A Place Based Partnership (formally known as Integrated Care Partnership or ICP) is being developed in Leeds (Leeds health and care partnership), to enable closer working relationships and practice across the health and care sector. Our Third Sector plays a key role in the development of this and Forum Central is committed to ensuring all of our members know about, and can contribute to, this work.

Proposed legislative changes were outlined in the February 2021 Health and Social Care White Paper that requires all areas in England to have a statutory Integrated Care System that will plan and pay for NHS services. From 01 July 2022, ICSs will become statutory organisations absorbing commissioning functions currently undertaken by Clinical Commissioning Groups and NHS England.

Leeds already has a great track record of working in partnership and by developing a strong set of principles and transparent governance, we will ensure that the Leeds health and care partnership fits well into the developing West Yorkshire Integrated Care System (ICS).

A Leeds health and care partnership committee is now being formed and will be operational by 01 July 2022 and includes a representative from the Third Sector.

Leeds Health and Care Partnership

The Leeds health and care partnership work with partners and the people of Leeds, providing resources to improve health outcomes and reduce health inequalities across the city.

Leeds Health and Care Partnership (LHCP) Third Sector reference group

Forum Central members are invited to join our bi-weekly reference group meeting to discuss the impact and progression of this work from a Third Sector perspective. The meetings take place on Wednesdays at 9-10am.

Please email [email protected] if you would like to attend or would like more information on these changes and their likely impact.

Health and Care Leaders Network

The Forum Central Health and Care Leaders (HCL) Network is attended by passionate and influential third sector leaders in Leeds working around health and care. The network meets every 12 weeks and the aims are:

  • Identifying, sharing and promoting good practice across the third sector
  • Making strong and positive connections across all sectors to encourage sharing of ideas, views and understanding
  • Providing a safe space where leaders can meet to challenge the way in which services are delivered and explore new and collaborative delivery options
  • Providing the latest information on emerging local and national health and social care agendas and issues, including policy briefings and guest speakers
  • Being responsive to leaders’ needs
  • Developing an atmosphere of trust, respect and mutuality

The network has grown to nearly 90 members since its inception.

Next meeting

The next Health and Care Leaders meeting will be taking place on Thursday 18 July, from 10.30am – 1pm including a ‘bring you own/to share lunch’. The calendar invite has been sent out, get in touch if you haven’t already received it and would like to join us.

Joining the network

If you are interested in joining this network please email [email protected].

Meeting Notes are available below as Google Docs linked on the web. If you would like any meeting notes from an earlier meeting, please contact [email protected].

2024 Meetings

2023 Meetings

People Voices

Forum Central is an active member of the People’s Voices Partnership (PVP).  The PVP is a network of people and organisations with the shared aim to put people’s voices at the centre of health and care decision making in Leeds, and in particular the voice of people living with the greatest health inequalities.

Please follow this link for more information on the work of the People’s Voices Partnership

Insight reviews

We have worked with our partners to review the feedback (insight) we already have about people’s experience of a number of subjects related to the population and care delivery boards. So far, published drafts of insight reports include:

It’s important to note that the insight reports are never truly ‘finished’ and will always be drafts as we continue to add to them as we hear and learn more from people and services.

Leeds Health and Care One Workforce

Leeds Health and Care One Workforce is a ground-breaking collaboration of Leeds health, care and university partners to create a single, joined up approach for the health and care workforce in the city.

The citywide programme runs in line with the Health and Wellbeing Strategy in Leeds. The ambition of Leeds One Workforce Strategic Board is to ‘be the best place to learn and work whatever your age’.
The programme partners work together to ensure that Leeds has a diverse and skilled health and care workforce.

There is an estimated 57,000 people currently employed across Leeds health and care services. This work joins up best practise from across the sector so we learn and work together as one city-wide team. #TeamLeeds

Visit the Leeds Health and Care Academy to learn more about the strategic workforce priorities for Leeds.

Information & Resources

Key health and care documents

  • NHS Long-Term Plan
    The NHS Long Term Plan was developed in partnership with those who know the NHS best – frontline health and care staff, patients and their families and other experts

  • Leeds Health and Wellbeing Strategy (pdf)
    A vision for how Leeds wants people to experience good and fulfilling lives in Leeds, from birth to end of life.

  • Healthwatch Leeds
    Healthwatch Leeds helps people get the best out of their local health and care services by bringing their voice to those who plan and deliver services in Leeds.
  • Leeds City Council | Adult Social Care
    Information about the local authority provision for Adults and Health.
  • Local Care Partnerships
    Local Care Partnership (LCP) is a model of joined-up team working intended to improve health and care delivery to local people.
  • Doing Good Leeds
    Doing Good Leeds is the website for the third sector in Leeds managed by Voluntary Action Leeds.
  • West Yorkshire & Harrogate Health and Care Partnership
    WYHCP is an ‘Integrated Care System’ that works in partnership with NHS organisations, councils, Healthwatch and the Third Sector to improve the health and wellbeing of local people.