Signposting to resources and support for our members, third sector organisations and groups, staff teams and volunteers in Leeds.
Many third sector organisations in Leeds are under currently huge financial pressure and strain – you are not alone – this is also being felt by partners across the region and nationally.
Forum Central and Voluntary Action Leeds are committed to supporting you through these challenges. We have collated useful links to resources and sources of support here. If you have a specific question or can’t find what you’re looking for please email us on [email protected].
Practical Support for Organisations
- Leeds Funding Support Network – coordinated by Kaye Wilson at VAL – Funding support for organisations on Doing Good Leeds
- Comprehensive document of all the open grants – available to download
- Kaye also offers advice and support with funding applications and bid writing.
- Leeds Funding Support Network Facebook group
- Leeds Community Foundation – Open grants page
- Funding Leeds – this is the website run in partnership by Leeds City Council, Voluntary Action Leeds and Leeds Community Foundation. Voluntary and third sector groups can register on the platform to search for funding and be signposted to further help and support.
- Volunteer Managers Network (on – this network meets monthly and gets regular email updates. It’s an opportunity for volunteer managers to connect and share peer support. The webpage has 4 volunteer induction videos covering Safeguarding, Equality and Diversity, Confidentiality and Data Protection and Staying Safe.
- NCVO – Keeping Volunteers page – guidance and advice about how to retain your volunteers.
- Be Collective – Doing Good Leeds – the volunteering platform for Leeds where you can create and manage your volunteering opportunities.
Workforce and HR Support
- Third Sector Workforce HR Network (on – quarterly meeting, monthly newsletter with information, resources, training and other staff related activities for organisations and managers.
- Padlets – created and maintained by the workforce network coordinators to share policies and information about all things Workforce, HR, procedure, employee benefits and employer guidance. Email [email protected] with any questions.
- Epecially helpful for smaller organisations as they link to a lot of specific resources:
- Padlet – Workforce Information and Resources
- Padlet – Organisational Change/ Leadership and Management Resources
- Padlet – Career and Voluntary Opportunities in the Health and Care Third Sector in Leeds
- Padlet – Training – links to providers of training organised by subject.
Closing your charity
- NCVO (The National Council for Voluntary Organisations) – Key steps and processes you to be aware of if closing your organisation or winding up long term projects.
- Carrying out closure – Guidance on common situations charities face during closure.
Staff Wellbeing
West Yorkshire Staff Health and Wellbeing Hub
- Self-refer for one-to-one therapy confidentially – this service is available for people who work and volunteer in Primary Care.
- The message-taking phone service – call 0800 183 1488 to request a wellbeing check-in call; to get signposting to self-help resources; ask for information about how to access group support, including critical incident support for people and teams; or referral to 1 to 1 therapy for you and your colleagues.
- Support for the VCSE sector page on the hub
- The mental health website for Leeds. Lots of self-help information. Lots of resources for individuals and professionals. It can also translate the content into over 100 languages using the accessibility toolbar.
- Leeds mental health and wellbeing directory – Directory of services which are filterable by type of support and location by postcode.
Money Worries – Practical Support for Individuals
Cost of Living Support Signposting
- MindWell – Cost of Living page – collated information broken down by subject matter in relation to managing finances and links to who you can talk to for support.
- Leeds City Council – Together Leeds page – collated links signposting where to look for support around different aspects of the cost of living crisis.
Welcome Spaces
- Community and faith-based venues which are open for local people to use as a warm and friendly place to read, study or enjoy the company of others or have some alone time. Find your nearest Welcome Space on Leeds Directory
- Citizen’s Advice Energy Adviceline 0800 448 0721 – free dedicated phone service shared with Citizen Advice Newcastle & Sheffield. Anyone can call (during office hours) to get advice about their energy bills, suppliers, and schemes and benefits they may be eligible for.
- The Food Aid Network (FAN) is a network of people and organisations working together to tackle food poverty in Leeds. It is a part of Food Wise Leeds and the West Yorkshire Food Poverty Network, which is connected to the national initiative Feeding Britain.
- Food and Homeless provision over winter (this is likely to be updated, check here for the latest version)
- Find a food pantry near you
- Money Buddies Leeds outreach timetable – Face to Face in person support is available regularly in community locations in Leeds.
- Worrying About Money? – Leeds – Advice and support is available if you’re struggling to make ends meet (signposting and information service run by the independent food aid network).
Third Sector Networks – an overview
Being connected and involved with a third sector network is a source of great support for many organisations and groups in Leeds and the people who run them. Most of the following networks meet regularly and send newsletters – contact [email protected] if you’re interested in coming along to any of our network meetings or to receive network emails, and email [email protected] for VAL’s.
- Forum Central coordinated networks and forums:
- Health and Care Leaders – network of senior managers of health and care third sector organisations. Regular meetings and newsletter.
- Mental Health – network of third sector and statutory sector professionals with a focus on mental health and is closely connected to the Community Mental Health Transformation work. Regular meetings and newsletter.
- Physical and Sensory Impairment – Regular meetings and newsletter.
- Learning Disability – Regular meetings and newsletter.
- Communities of Interest Network – brings together support and information connect for communities which experience the greatest inequalities, with a focus on health and wellbeing.
- Men’s Health Unlocked – network of third sector and statutory sector professionals in a coordinated effort to improve men’s health and wellbeing in Leeds. In partnership with Barca-Leeds, Orion Partnership (Space 2, Zest) and Touchstone. Regular meetings and newsletter.
- Workforce HR Network –
- Local Care Partnerships – this is the model of place-based joined up working between health and care statutory and third sector providers in Leeds. There are currently 15 Local Care Partnerships in Leeds. Every is different, but most hold regular network meetings with representation from; Primary Care, Public Health, Social Care, Third sector, Linking Leeds, Healthwatch, Elected members.
- Voluntary Action Leeds coordinated networks and forums:
- Culturally Diverse Hub – network of individuals and organisations aiming to ensure the voice of culturally diverse communities are heard by decision makers. Regular meetings and newsletter.
- Leeds Crime Reduction Network – network of organisations working to support both the victims and perpetrators of crime and ultimately make Leeds a safer place. Regular meetings and newsletter.
- Young Lives Leeds – the network and strategic forum for Third Sector organisations working to improve the lives of children, young people and their families in Leeds. Regular meetings and newsletter.
- Leeds Community Anchor Network – network made up of organisations or partnerships who aim to help ensure the communities of Leeds thrive, as outlined in the Characteristics of a Thriving Community.
- LeedsACTS! – Coordinating third sector and academic collaborations to better understand pressing societal challenges within our communities.
- Third Sector Leeds – the policy body that advocates for the third sector’s values and interests in Leeds. TSL comprises of a Leadership Group which meets regularly to action the work of TSL. Regular communications are emailed to TSL members. Any Third Sector organisation in Leeds can be a member.