Older People

Older People2024-07-25T15:21:54+01:00

Forum Central partner Leeds Older People’s Forum deliver our specialist work focussed on older people.

Leeds Older People’s Forum (LOPF) was established in March 1994 and promotes the wellbeing of all older people in Leeds. LOPF gives a more powerful voice to older people in shaping the city for the benefit of all.

LOPF do this through their work to: 

  • Influence policies and practices 
  • Challenge discrimination with positive narratives of growing older 
  • Enable social participation at every level 
  • Identify and promote the needs of older people through research and project evaluation 
  • Share information and best practice of other organisations that work with older people
LOPF logo and Yellow hexagon to represent Forum Central Older People work.

Visit the Leeds Older People’s Forum website: www.opforum.org.uk

We want to make Leeds the best city to grow old in.

Older People Workstreams

Leeds Older People’s Forum coordinates several projects, campaigns and workstreams, including; discharge from hospital (Enhance), dementia, housing, inter-generational work, International Day of Older People, Neighbourhood Networks and reducing social isolation, transport, digital inclusion and equitable access for older people.


Enhance supports safe and sustainable discharge from hospital and neighbourhood teams into a secure home environment and link Neighbourhood Teams with third sector organisations to enhance capacity in both sectors and avoid both delayed discharges and readmissions.

Neighbourhood Networks

There are 37 Neighbourhood Networks in Leeds. The Neighbourhood Networks are community based, locally led third sector organisations. They enable older people to live independently and pro-actively participate in their communities. They provide services that reduce social isolation and provide opportunities for volunteering. They can act as a “gateway” to advice, information and services that promote health and wellbeing to improve quality of life for older people in the city.

Dementia Friendly Leeds

Our Friendly Communities project aims to make Leeds an age and dementia friendly city, in partnership with Alzheimer’s Society and Leeds City Council.

We work with people living with dementia and their families and carers. Local groups and organisations are encouraged to join the Dementia Action Alliance, and support community projects to help neighbourhoods become more dementia friendly. Follow @leedsdaa on X and like @dementiafriendlyleeds on Facebook.

International Day of Older Persons (IDOP)

Each year, since 1998, Leeds has celebrated the International Day of Older People on the 1st October. The aim of IDOP is to celebrate ageing and the contribution older people make to the city, to challenge stereotypes, and raise awareness of the issues and challenges facing older people as well as the support that’s available.


Leeds Older People’s Forum (LOPF) has a membership of over 80 voluntary sector organisations working with older people across Leeds. This includes the Neighbourhood Networks in Leeds.

Members of LOPF provide services dedicated to older people though they are not necessarily an older people’s organisation.

To see who our members are see the Forum Central members directory or check the list LOPF members

How to join

For information on how to join see the membership page.

Relevant News and Events

We believe older people should have the opportunities and support to live the lives they want.

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