Leeds Welcome Spaces Open
More than 200 Welcome Spaces are now open to people in Leeds, offering a warm welcome, hot drinks, a range of activities, and a space to talk with other people. The Welcome Spaces scheme, which began in [...]
More than 200 Welcome Spaces are now open to people in Leeds, offering a warm welcome, hot drinks, a range of activities, and a space to talk with other people. The Welcome Spaces scheme, which began in [...]
This event is an online webinar offered by the Leeds Public Health Resource Centre. Joining instructions will be sent to you by e-mail in advance of the session. Leeds is a wonderful place to age well. Our many [...]
Free training from Good Practice Mentors - book onto your session now The Good Practice Mentor Team help organisations who want to increase their engagement with, and support of, older citizens in the community. This is a [...]
Joint Networks Meeting | Thursday 12 December 2024, 1 to 3 PM at Swarthmore We're ending the year with an extra special network meeting! This in-person event is a chance to meet other network members, celebrate, share [...]
Harewood has adapted their offer to suit a wider range of visitors this festive season. These afternoon sessions are primarily for families with autistic children, autistic adults and young people, adults living with dementia, and visitors with [...]
This draft guideline and its supporting evidence are now out for consultation. It is a valuable opportunity to ensure that the guideline considers issues important to your stakeholders. The consultation page has all the information and documents you need to comment. The [...]
‘Let’s Tackle Ageism in Leeds Together’ LOPF are holding a series of 'Older People's Hub' events where older people can come along, hear speakers on topics that might interest them, ask questions and give their thoughts. The [...]
The National Institution for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) have produced draft guidance on Falls in Older People: Assessing risk and prevention. You can now review and comment on this draft guideline. The consultation closes on Thursday [...]
Date: 12 December 2024 / 9 January 2025 Time: 10 am - 3 pm Location: Age UK Leeds Alicia Ridout, a PhD student at York St John University is hosting two in-person workshops for 8 - 12 [...]
Forum Central extends a warm welcome to our newest members. Please reach out to us or to them if you would like to connect. Afrikindness Afrikindness is dedicated to promoting kindness, fostering positive racial identity, and enhancing [...]