Men’s Health Unlocked

Men’s Health Unlocked2025-01-17T13:54:34+00:00


National Men’s Health Strategy Announced

5th December 2024|Featured, Health & Care, MailChimp, Men's Health|

The UK government has announced plans for a men's health strategy. This landmark announcement was made at a men's health summit on Thursday 28 November. Health Secretary, Wes Streeting confirmed that the Government will introduce a national men's health strategy [...]

MHU Newsletter

Men’s Health Unlocked Newsletter – November 2024

The MHU newsletter is sent monthly. To sign up to get it straight to your inbox, please email [email protected]

Activities for men in Leeds

Go to > Let’s Unlock – the directory of activities for men in Leeds!

This is a list of everything that’s happening in Leeds for men. Any organisation or group can add your own activity by completing this men’s health unlocked directory form.

screenshot of the directory for mens activities

Men’s Health Unlocked (MHU) is a network supporting men’s health and wellbeing in Leeds.

Forum Central coordinates the network in partnership with Barca-Leeds, Orion Partnership (Space 2, Zest) and Touchstone.

We get funding from the National Lottery Community Fund.

Our work

A lot of our work is about supporting YOUR work.

We run a number of activities around Leeds that aim to link men into services, activities and strategic decision making. We support organisations and individuals, host regular networking meetings and send newsletters.

To learn about the network, what we do and why we do it, please download our
Guide to Men’s Health Unlocked (pdf, 5 pages)

Men’s Health Unlocked Vision and Aims

The vision of MHU is to better health and wellbeing for all men and boys in Leeds which will contribute to better outcomes for all.

Our aims are:

  1. Be a voice for men
  2. Be a voice for the sector
  3. Learn, share and promote good practice in men’s health

Contact Us

07985 442630

[email protected]


Damian is based at the Forum Central office
Suite C24, Joseph’s Well, Hanover Walk, Leeds LS3 1AB

Damian Dawtry
Damian Dawtry

Network Meetings

We hold MHU meetings every two months on Zoom.

For the dates and more details, e.g. Zoom link, agenda etc, please contact [email protected]

Leeds Unlocked

Leeds Unlocked is a ‘Zine (mini magazine) by #leedsmen, for #leedsmen.

Keeping you informed on local groups and services, sharing inspiring stories and some handy advice. Space 2, who are part of by the Orion Partnership, produce the Unlocked ‘Zine

Have a read…

Click to download

Men in Health

We are proud partners in the Men in Health Project, alongside Touchstone and MESMAC. 

This project is funded by the West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health Care Partnership. The project targets men who are working in health and care and offers them advise and support regarding their personal concerns and issues.

 Visit for more info.

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