About Local Care Partnerships
Local Care Partnership (LCP) is the term adopted in Leeds to describe the model of joined-up team working intended to improve health and care delivery to local people.
Forum Central are supporting the development of this work, with a focus on establishing strong Third Sector voices across the LCPs.

What are Local Care Partnerships?
Local Care Partnerships work to improve health and care delivery to local people, a requirement set out in the NHS Plan. There are currently 15 Local Care Partnerships (LCPs) within Leeds. Every LCP is different, but generally each will have representation from:
- Primary Care
- Public Health
- Social Care
- Third sector
- Linking Leeds
- Healthwatch
- Elected members
LCPs may also have representatives from others including secondary care, housing, employment services, faith groups and have citizens involved. The LCPs are mapped onto the same footprints as the Primary Care Networks (PCN) however some PCNs have come together to work under a single LCP.
Each LCP will set its own priorities and practices, and will meet periodically to set priorities, share learning and plan work. LCPs are are a different way of working which seeks to make better use of assets within communities.
- Asset mapping
- Relationship building
- Sharing of data and intelligence
- Intervention design
- Bidding for funds
- Case management/Multi-disciplinary Team (MDT) working
LCP Shorts
An Introduction to LCPs
What Makes a Good LCP?
The Local Care Partnerships team
Pip Goff, Third Sector and Community Local Care Partnerships Development Manager and Forum Central Local Care Partnerships Development Officer, Karl Witty work closely with the City’s Local Care Partnership Development Team to ensure that the Third Sector has a strong voice within the LCPs.
The Third Sector is represented at Local Care Partnership Programme Board by the following Third Sector Reps:
Nahid Rasool, Shantona Womens Centre
Sharon Brown, Touchstone
Local Care Partnerships Development Team members:
Kim Adams, Programme Director: [email protected]
Rachel Ainscough, Senior Development Manager: rachel.ainscough@nhs.
Abiola Ajijola, Project Leader: abiola.ajijola@nhs.
Ruth Salthouse Project Leader: [email protected]
Louise Sellars, Project Support Officer: louise.sellars@nhs.
Karl Witty, Local Care Partnerships Development Officer: [email protected]
How do I join a Local Care Partnership?
You can join any LCP however, you will get more value from being involved with an LCP which connects with you or your organisation.
Here are some things you may wish to consider when choosing an LCP or LCPs for you and your organisation.
- Is your work focused around a particular geographical community?
- Does your work connect with the current priorities of an LCP?
- Do you feel comfortable in the group? Do you feel like you can contribute to the LCP?
When you have identified an LCP which you feel is a good fit, or if you would value a conversation, contact Karl Witty at [email protected]
Information & Resources
- Introduction to LCPs (July 2021)
- LCP Board planning future priorities
- Future Planning for Local Care Partnerships
- Leeds Local Care Partnerships map
- Map of Leeds Primary Care Networks (July 2019)
- Third Sector Representatives Review Paper – December 2020
- Widening the net of the Local Care Partnerships Report
- The King’s Fund: Mental health and primary care networks: understanding the opportunities (July 20)
- Population Health Management reading list (June 20)
- Kings Fund Yorkshire GGF Presentation Nov.19
- Social Prescribing Overview Nov. 19
- LCH third sector strategy workshop presentation (August 2019)
- Going further together: Locality’s research into the factors for successfully involving VCSE organisations in neighbourhood health ecosystems.
Social Media
Should you wish to learn more about the Local Care Partnerships, Forum Central manages a Third Sector specific Facebook page. This group is a space for Third Sector partners to access key information across the 15 Local Care Partnerships, share information about their work, and build relationships.
For those working in the Inner South Communities LCP (formally the Beeston and Middleton LCP) – We have set up a WhatsApp Group to support collaboration across the sector within this area. You can request to join this group by completing this Google form.