Forum Central is the collective voice for the health and care third sector in Leeds, delivered in partnership by Leeds Older People’s Forum and Volition.
Our vision is a better quality of life for people in Leeds through a thriving, diverse and sustainable third sector.
We connect third sector organisations in Leeds with decision makers in health and social care. We influence strategic developments, policy and ways of working across health and social care. This includes links with the Local Authority, NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) and Local Care Partnerships (LCPs) in Leeds.
Our Members
Our work is informed, driven and led by our members. With a membership network of over 320 organisations we are the collective voice of the health and care third sector in Leeds.
Our members do fantastic and vital work in all areas and communities of Leeds. They support people’s wellbeing and quality of life, and contribute to the wider determinants of health. Research shows that clinical health care accounts for about 20% of health outcomes, while social and economic factors and physical environment together make up 50%. See The King’s Fund’s vision for population health to find out more.
Discover our member organisations by browsing our member directory and map.
We coordinate specialist networks that bring people together to share insight and expertise. Network areas of focus:
- Communities of Interest (COIN)
- Learning disability
- Men’s health (Men’s Health Unlocked)
- Mental health
- Older people
- Physical and sensory impairment
- Workforce (HR Network)
Forum Central works hard to ensure the third sector is represented in city-wide strategic health and care spaces. We support over 40 third sector representatives, who perform a range of representative and advocacy roles in Leeds. Reps attend a wide range of meetings in the city from the Health and Wellbeing Board (HWWB) to the various Population Boards.
We keep the third sector in Leeds informed, connected and visible.
Forum Central Membership

Membership is free and open to all third sector organisations working in health and care in Leeds – large and small.