
About Max Conway

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So far Max Conway has created 178 blog entries.

New ‘Time for Young People Leeds’ service

By |Communities of Interest, Health & Care, MailChimp, Mental Health, News
2024-06-14T20:02:40+01:003rd June 2024|

NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (Leeds) and Leeds City Council have commissioned a new community-based early emotional and mental health support service for children and young people in Leeds, which will be commencing on Monday 1 [...]

LGBTQ+ People’s Experiences of Crisis Services Survey

By |Have your say, Health & Care, MailChimp, Mental Health
2024-07-05T13:39:53+01:001st June 2024|

LGBTQ+ Mental Health Crisis Service Provision Survey is a brief anonymous survey produced in partnership between Leeds Survivor Led Crisis Service, Yorkshire MESMAC and experts by lived experience. The short, 5 question survey focusses on LGBTQ+ people's [...]

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