The impact and experience of the past 18 months has been different for everyone, as have our reactions, but there’s no doubt it’s been a difficult time for us all. That’s why it’s so important to look after our mental health and wellbeing; now more than ever.
On 5 October, in the run up to World Mental Health Day, the new Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) will launch the Better Health-Every Mind Matters campaign to support the nation’s mental wellbeing. Aimed at all adults, but weighted towards those most at risk of mental health problems and vulnerable groups, the campaign will launch across TV, VOD, PR, social and digital. The campaign heroes the little things we can all do to look after our mental wellbeing and how they can make a big difference; helping us to lead happier, healthier lives and cope with life’s challenges.
Approach: At the heart of the campaign is the free, NHS-approved Mind Plan. By answering five simple questions online, adults will get a personalised mental health action plan with practical tips to help them deal with stress and anxiety, boost their mood, sleep better and feel more in control. To date, over 3.4 million Mind Plans have been created. This campaign will encourage more people to get their own Mind Plan to improve their knowledge, confidence and motivation to take action and find what works for them to care for their mental health.
The Every Mind Matters website is continuously updated to support the public’s mental health, and includes a COVID-19 hub which offers tips and support on how to deal with change, cope with money worries and job uncertainty. It also includes practical tips and videos from experts on dealing with stress and anxiety, boosting your mood, sleeping better and what you can do to help others – including advice for parents and for children and young people.
Target Audience: Aimed at adults, but weighted towards those most at risk of mental health problems and vulnerable groups.
Supported by partners: The campaign is being supported by the NHS, local authorities and a range of mental health charities, health organisations as well as other charities and commercial sector partners, who deliver huge reach to our target audiences and share our goals to help encourage, enable and motivate preventative mental health behaviours.