Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (LYPFT) is changing its approach to clinical risk assessment, in line with national guidance.

A new risk template, Risk Assessment and Management Plan (RAMP), has been implemented across all LYPFT services, which will replace the use of the FACE Risk Profile and SAMP.

“National guidance and the current evidence base makes it clear that risk stratification and scoring (e.g. numbers or categories such as low, medium, high risk) should not be used. In particular, such categorisation, scales or tools should not be used to predict future risks or determine treatment choices and decisions, and a more person-centred and formulation-based approach is encouraged.”

The new approach encourages a more person-centred, formulation-based approach, and removes risk stratification and scoring (e.g. numbers or categories such as low, medium, high risk) which should be avoided, and in particular should not be used to predict future risk or determine treatment decisions. The LYPFT is cascading this message down for organisations to keep in mind when working alongside LYPFT services and consider any impacts on their own processes or practices, such as referral forms and criteria.

You can download their briefing for more information: Changes to risk assessment at LYPFT