Following on from a project AVSED conducted with their Local Care Partnership (LCP) and GP’s on frailty, they were asked to participate in a promotional video for a Population Health Management (PHM) toolkit that sets out a national approach from NHS England.
The aim of Population Health Management is to reduce health inequalities through proactive, targeted healthcare for communities. The toolkit has been launched in six areas (one being West Yorkshire) as a pilot and can be found here: NHS Population Health Management Toolkit 19.10.23.
It sets out an approach to PHM built around three key pillars – Know, Connect, Prevent – that everyone can use to transform the way we work, and care for people.
Videos in the toolkit
Short films have been produced to show examples of how this population health management approach can be used and benefits different parts of the health and care system. The voluntary sector example features AVSED, based in Leeds and a Forum Central member. Watch the videos on the following links to Youtube: