Third Sector contribution to powerful session recognising the value of Synergi Leeds
On Wednesday 25 April 2024 Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust hosted a visit from shadow (labour) Mental Health Lead, MP Abena Oppong-Asare and the CEO of the NHS Confederation, Matthew Taylor, to share the work of the Synergi Leeds collaborative and discuss approaches to tackling health inequalities, particularly in relation to mental health.
The strength of the partnership was clearly demonstrated, as was our collective commitment to working with and responding to what our communities want and need, to achieve long term sustainable change through Synergi Leeds.
The third sector contribution on the day was integral and we were pleased that VCSE sector colleagues were able to join the meeting; Dean Matheson, Calm and Centred, Sinéad Cregan, Inspire North, and Pip Goff, Volition – Forum Central, to hear the presentation given by Sharon Prince, co-chair of Synergi Leeds.
Abena Oppong-Asare said on X: “We must learn from innovative approaches such as @LeedsSynergi – real meaningful collaboration between the NHS Trust, city council, local community and voluntary services to tackle ethnic inequalities in mental health.
This visit was followed by Abena Oppong-Asare giving a keynote speech at the NHS Confederation Mental Health Network Annual conference in which she mentioned the work several times as an example of work that gives hope for the future and shows the art of the possible when it comes to partnership working, across agencies and with communities at the centre.
Synergi Leeds receives recognition at PPiMH awards
Congratulations to everyone involved in the Synergi Leeds collaborative (which Forum Central is proud to be a partner of) which received ‘Highly Commended’ recognition at the national Positive Practice in Mental Health Awards 2024 (PPiMH).
View the post on X by Synergi Leeds and Sharon Prince who said; [It’s] “Absolutely fantastic to have the work recognised in this way. Thanks to @PositivePracti1 [the event organisers] and all our collaborators and Network members…”