Social Value is one of the three priorities of the Leeds Third Sector Strategy along with Partnerships, and Funding and Commissioning, which Third Sector Leeds (TSL) are progressing this year.

The recent Third Sector Partnership meeting with statutory partners focused on Social Value with key presentations from TSL, Leeds City Council’s procurement team and Leeds Community Foundation (LCF). Partners came away with a better shared understanding of social value, and commitment to establishing some city-wide social value structures.

Some key points to share from the meeting:

  • Leeds City Council (LCC) is the only local authority with a dedicated social value team – so we have a real opportunity to use this capacity and work together.
  • A social value board is being established.
  • LCC confirmed a new Social Value Fund starting this financial year (pooling money from LCC contract holders) and is linking with LCF to look at how best to invest this.
  • There is an estimated £87.57m worth of social value activity promised by contract holders, with only £9.7m realised – the LCC team is aiming to close this gap!
  • Broad agreement that LCF were the established body to distribute social value funds.
  • Broad agreement that developing partnerships between the third sector and businesses could and should have bigger impacts than just their contractual obligations.
  • A social value round table, led by TSL, is planned for 23 May, so watch this space!

In addition, we produced a paper taken to PEG (Partnership Executive Group) on Friday 3 May which generated a thoughtful and positive discussion.

Third Sector Sector Strategy – Taking it forward PEG paper for 03.05.24 (pdf)

Summary of item and paper:

  • Highlighting the Leeds Third Sector strategy and priorities for this year with an update on progress to date.
  • To share an update from a Third Sector perspective on progress we have made in our various partnerships, including Third Sector Partnership Group, West Yorkshire Power of Communities and Third Sector Leeds.
  • To understand work happening across the system on the three priorities in order to better connect and see impact from these with a specific request for each partner to bring an update on progress to the June 14th PEG.
  • Reminder of our commitment to remain sighted on the impacts elsewhere in the system when decisions related to investment in the sector are taken.
  • Clarity of the specific asks of PEG partners and practical actions and steps required including engagement with the Third Sector Partnership as key opportunity to work together to shape direction of our work in the city.