The HR Network meets quarterly and sends a monthly e-bulletin with useful information about resources, training and other staff related information/activities for organisations to access. It exists to share information and collaborate. It is an important space to hear themes from and share good practice across the health and care workforce within the third sector. Health and care is the focus of the network however as much of the emphasis relates to responding to organisational needs its work may be of interest to those organisations delivering services relating to the wider determinants of health such as housing, food aid and more.

To sign up for the bulletin, please email us on [email protected] or [email protected].

To find out more, see the HR Network Terms of Reference (Google doc published to the web)

Network meetings

If you would like to attend the quarterly Third Sector HR Network meeting please email [email protected].

Join the network

To keep up to date and be part of the conversation, third sector organisations are encouraged to get in touch to join the network. Staff involved do not need to be HR professionals, they can for example lead management responsibilities with no internal HR support. Membership is available to members of Forum Central and/or Voluntary Action Leeds.

By joining the list you will get the monthly emails and be in the loop with what’s happening. Capacity to attend the network meetings is not essential to join the network but all new members are welcome to take part occasionally or regularly.

To join or ask any questions, please email Emma Holford on [email protected].