Does your organisation offer ‘early help’? Give your feedback about revisions to the documentation and notifications process via this short survey.

Link to survey: Early Help Survey from Leeds City Council

Deadline: extended to Monday 29 July 2024

It should take you about 10 minutes to answer all the questions.

If you have any questions about the survey please email [email protected] or telephone 0113 535 0185.


Message from Julie Longworth, Director of Children and Families, Leeds City Council to Young Lives Leeds members

Last June we launched revisions to our early help documentation and a new notification process so that we are better informed about the incredible work that goes on in early help to support our children and families. There has been a great deal of activity during the last 12 months to raise awareness about these changes and to ensure the right guidance and support is in place for practitioners to undertake important early help work with families.

With feedback forming a key element of our restorative approach and commitment to continuous improvement, we wish to seek your views on how you have found these changes and to understand what further help and training you may need to utilise them to best effect. It would therefore be greatly appreciated if you could please find just 10 minutes to complete the early help survey below and cascade this email across your networks to those who you know offer early help support. We wish to reach everyone including, our children centres, clusters, hubs, schools, colleges, youth provision and our health and third sector partner agencies.

Thank you, as always, for your hard work and commitment to making a difference to the lives of children and families in the city, as we all know Early Help is crucial to our Child Friendly Leeds ambition, hence your feedback will be invaluable.

With my very best wishes, Julie

You can complete the survey here or use the QR code below.