About Shaping Our Future
Shaping Our Future is Leeds CCG’s innovative programme developed in response to the national and local direction of travel towards integration and improved strategic commissioning for population outcomes. NHS England continues to drive forward an agenda of ‘place-based’ systems that focus on integration and strategic commissioning to population outcomes, shifting competition to collaboration and formalising the role of Integrated Care Systems.
Third Sector Integration
The Third Sector are vital partners within this programme playing an active and strong leadership role in systems as well as being providers working to improve health outcomes.
As part of this Shaping Our Future, through coordination from Forum Central, Third Sector health and care organisations have developed a model, broadening access across third sector networks in Leeds to give the opportunity to transform and redesign services through place-level partnerships and provider collaboratives.
In line with statutory partners, Third Sector health and care organisations will undertake a programme of development, capacity building within the sector to ensure equitable involvement and strengthen the overarching readiness for integration.
Integrated Care Partnership Development
Work is underway to establish an Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) in Leeds, with the aim of developing and enabling closer working relationships and practice when it comes to health and care.
The case for creating an ICP has been strengthened by the proposed legislative changes outlined in the February 2021 Health and Social Care White Paper and the associated development of the West Yorkshire & Harrogate Integrated Care System (ICS) (WYHICS) Operating Model.
All areas in England will have a newly constituted statutory ICS that will plan and pay for hospitals and other NHS services. From April 2022, ICSs will become statutory organisations absorbing commissioning functions currently undertaken by Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and NHS England. Strong place based arrangements (Integrated Care Partnerships) are the cornerstone of the emerging WYHICS Operating Model.
As Leeds progresses the development of an ICP, Forum Central is committed to ensuring all of our members are aware of this work and can feed into discussions as much or as little as they would like.
Third Sector ICP developments reference group
Forum Central meet with members on a bi-weekly basis to discuss the impact and progression of this work from a Third Sector perspective. The meetings take place on Wednesdays at 9-10am.
Please email [email protected] if you would like to attend or would like more information on these changes and their likely impact.