Do you think Local Care Partnerships (LCPs) are inclusive and accessible for small Third Sector organisations? Is the incredibly valuable work delivered by your organisation seen by partners across Leeds? Or are opportunities for joint working being missed?
Karl Witty from Forum Central is working with partners to make the LCPs more accessible, providing more inclusive and supportive structures which promote joined up working at a local level. As part of this work, Karl is hoping to capture the views of smaller Third Sector organisations, located across the LCP areas, covering topics including:
- How your organisation currently connects with other parts of the health and care system
- The barriers and enablers to working with partners
- What you would like Local Care Partnerships to become in the future
Please take 10 minutes to share your thoughts, either by completing this survey or by contacting Karl on [email protected].
Findings from this work will be used to develop a ‘theory of change’ to inform the ongoing development of the Local Care Partnerships, and other cross sector forums within the city.
Thank you for your time and support.