Age UK Leeds is encouraging older people to visit their new Digital Hub to access drop in and group activities to help them stay connected and increase their digital knowledge, confidence and skills.
The rolling programme of digital sessions is designed for people aged 50. The fun and informative activities include Tech and Tea Drop in sessions, topic-based sessions such as Technology for Fun and Smart Phone and Tablets For Beginners and a series of guest speakers in their Tech Talks.
As well as helping with digital knowledge and confidence, the sessions give older people the chance to meet and socialise with other people who are wanting to make the most of the digital world.
The sessions will take place every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday during June 10am – 12pm and 1pm -3pm morning at the Community Hub, Age UK Leeds, Bradbury Building, Mark Lane, LS2 8JA (off Dortmund Square). Older people and interested family members, carers and professionals are very welcome to call in during these times to attend a session or find out more.
Further information visit
Alternatively contact Age UK Leeds on [email protected] or 0113 389 3307.