Compassionate Leeds has finalised their strategy titled: ‘Compassionate Leeds: Trauma Awareness prevention and response strategy for children, young people and families’.
Read the Compassionate Leeds Strategy 2023 – 2031 (pdf, 41 pages).
This strategy is aimed at everyone who works with children, young people and families and builds on the numerous examples of good practice across the city.
It has been formally signed off and they are grateful to all the boards/partnerships they took it to who endorsed the strategy and approach. These are:
- Leeds Future in Mind programme board
- Children’s Population Board
- Health and wellbeing board
- Maternity care delivery board
- Leeds CYP Partnership
- WYATR meetings
The Vision
This strategy sets out Compassionate Leeds vision, which is for partners in Leeds to work collectively as a trauma-informed city. Where we realise the widespread and unequal impact of adversity and recognise the part we can each play in overcoming this. Through nurturing relationships and building strengths, the hope is that all babies, children, young people and those who care for them, will feel safe and thrive.
Trauma Informed Hub
In Leeds they are developing a Trauma informed hub for professionals which is a platform for sharing resources aimed at helping practitioners and professionals working with children, young people and families to bring a trauma informed approach to their practice. They hope to launch this in the next few weeks.
Find out more
If you are a third sector organisation that works with children and young people, and you want to find out further information regarding the strategy or further information around your organisation becoming trauma informed, please contact Sally Drinkwater, Community and Young People’s Engagement and Development Lead for the Trauma Informed Programme [email protected].