Partnership Development: Sharpening the Leeds Health and Care Partnership Executive Arrangements

The Leeds Health and Care Partnership Executive Group (PEG) is committed to working more effectively as a partnership to deliver our shared ambition and priorities to ultimately improve the experience and outcomes of people in Leeds. PEG has identified four questions, for the partnership to work through this year.

  1. What are our partnership priorities and areas of focus?
  2. What partnership executive arrangements do we need to have in place to make decisions effectively and efficiently?
  3. How do we take decisions in partnership, particularly those that require investment / disinvestment and resource allocation?
  4. How do we follow through on actions and decisions made in partnership through our organisations and sectors?

A document has been produced which summarises a programme of work being undertaken across the Leeds Health and Care Partnership (LHCP) to respond to question 2: What partnership executive arrangements do we need to have in place to make decisions effectively and efficiently?

View the document: Summary – Partnership Executive Arrangements – Outline Proposals 2 May 24 pdf

The work will initially focus on working with an agreed set of partnership forums to clarify a number of areas including purpose, role in building and/or taking decisions and relationship with other partnership forums. The work is being facilitated, on behalf of the LHCP, by colleagues from the ICB in Leeds and Health Partnerships Team.

If you have any questions or would like to know more about the work being undertaken please send an email headed ‘Partnership Executive Arrangements’ to [email protected] or speak to Pip Goff at Forum Central.

slide from PEG Governance update paper