Can you help us map the support for pregnant women and people with new babies in West Yorkshire?
Third Sector Leaders Kirklees is gathering information on behalf of WY Power of Communities about the support offered by voluntary and community organisations across West Yorkshire.
We are particularly seeking third sector organisations, groups and services which support those who:
- are pregnant or looking to conceive
- have been pregnant but are no longer, perhaps due to miscarriage, termination or still-birth
- are preparing for or giving birth
- have a baby under 12 weeks old
These are the ‘maternity and neonatal’ stages in health services. Support or activities for family and partners is included.
This work is funded by the West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board and aims to help those looking for groups and services in the voluntary sector – and also to help build stronger links between third sector organisations and the health sector.
How you can help
You can see what information they have already gathered here: VCSE Maternity and Neonatal support mapping tool.
You can also help us get the details of other community groups and voluntary sector organisations and activities. See the link above for more details.
Please do not include businesses, local authority or NHS services or those outside West Yorkshire.