Can your organisation help Healthwatch Leeds to recruit people from culturally diverse communities to help share their experience of health and care services with people at the top?

Healthwatch Leeds is looking for people (and/or family or friends who help care for them) from culturally diverse communities who have health conditions that mean they regularly access multiple health and care services and see several different health or care professionals each month.

They need people who would be willing to talk to them once a month over a 6-month period to record their story. Healthwatch can record your experiences in a way that works for you (eg recorded phone or video call, socially distanced filming or working with you keep an audio/video diary). Once you’re happy with the recorded updates, they would be shared with health and care leaders from local NHS hospitals, mental health and community Trusts and Leeds City Council to help them understand how they can make improvements in how people experience, access and move between services.

What’s in it for participants?

  • Hopefully, by being part of the project you’ll feel like you’re contributing to making a long-term difference in the health and care system in Leeds.
  • Participants who stay for the full 6 months (most people do!), we will give them £100 in high street vouchers as a thank you for their commitment.

How to find out more…

Please see attached flyer for more information linked here: Healthwatch BME involvement flyer

If you or a potential participant would like to have a chat with Healthwatch about what’s involved, please contact Harriet Wright. Tel: 0113 8980035. Email: [email protected]

You can watch some of the previous videos they’ve made on the Healthwatch website: Healthwatch: How Does it Feel for Me.