Papers are shared here to ensure our members have access to the most recent information being shared at strategic partnership board meetings.
We also hope it helps demonstrate how Forum Central is advocating for the third sector and seeking to contribute to decision making at an executive level.
IBC Operating Model Review
This document of slides show the changes being made to the operating model and team structure of the ICB in Leeds following a period of consultation.
Within the slides are the key current names / contact points for the new team structure of the ICB in Leeds from April 2024. Although the structure has changed and been consolidated, most of the people are the same, with some roles changing and some taking on new/different functions. There will be a period of bedding-in, alongside an Organisational Development programme and work looking at new processes within the ICB in Leeds.
Leeds City Council Adults and Health Market Position Statement
This Market Position Statement (MPS) (launching officially in the new financial year) provides information about the care and support market in Leeds for both existing and potential providers. It contains a foreword from Caroline Baria, Director of Adults and Health which states: “We want to help providers shape their business plans to support the council’s strategic vision for the future. This MPS sets out the strategic drivers, market overview and our future commissioning intentions. We also want to build a varied and responsive local care and support market. Like many local authorities, Leeds City Council faces significant financial challenges and demand-led pressures. We will provide regular updates, to ensure the market can respond and contribute positively to a sustainable future for Leeds.”
Finance Overview (prepared by Forum Central for the ICB)
Forum Central has pulled together a finance paper using finance information shared at Third Sector Partnership and our own research as the first stage of work we agreed to do with and for the newly established Strategic Finance Executive Group. We will share this paper with our Reps and Reference group initially while we are awaiting completion of agreed actions from Statutory partners – but please get in touch with Pip if you would like to know more.
Ensuring Future Resilience of the Third Sector
The following paper was prepared by Forum Central and presented at a Leeds City Council Scrutiny Board (Environment, Housing and Communities) in February 2024.
WY ICB paper: Maximising the role of VCSE (2023)
The following paper was produced and shared in March 2023. It was prepared by Kim Shutler, Senior Responsible Officer for Harnessing the Power of Communities Programme, NHS West Yorkshire ICB.