Leeds City Council have recently launched a survey as part of a wider consultation to inform a new Better Lives Strategy which is due to be launched in early 2022.
The Better Lives strategy is the Costrategy for people with care and support needs.
We would love to hear the views of people that use care and support services in Leeds, as well as carers and family members. We also want to hear from people that provide care and support services from both the private sector, and those that work directly for Leeds City Council.
Please use the following links to complete the survey:
- People who use care and support services and carers / family members
- Leeds City Council Staff who provide care and support services
- People who provide care and support services but do not work directly for Leeds City Council
Please contact us if you would like to have a conversation about the Better Lives Strategy work or the consultation. You can email [email protected] or phone 0113 37 83821.