The Leeds Cultural Investment Programme (LCIP) replaces the arts@leeds and Leeds Inspired funding schemes. It builds on the strengths of these long-running programmes and offers both project (one-off) funding and revenue (ongoing) funding for creative individuals and organisations.

Funding offered reflects Leeds City Council’s significant and ongoing commitment to culture and creativity in the city and is a key Beyond 2023 programme – a legacy of LEEDS 2023.

What funding’s available?

  • Inspire funding – A rolling project of small, agile and easily accessible grants for one off projects and activities. From £500 to £1,500.
  • Grow: Project funding – Grants for one-off large scale and artistically ambitious projects. £5,000 to £15,000.
  • Grow: Revenue funding – Grants to support ongoing costs. £5,000 to £15,000.
  • Thrive funding – Grants for ongoing costs for large cultural organisations. £20,000 to £60,000.
  • Cultural Anchors funding – Grants for activities delivered by the city’s biggest independent anchor institutions.


To find out more and apply, please follow this link: Leeds Cultural Investment Programme.