Leeds Homeshare is available to support people who would like extra help or company at home.
Homeshare matches people seeking help at home with a fully vetted caring Sharer who stays in the home and provides support. The Sharer provides 10 hours help each week with household tasks, for example cleaning, cooking, shared meals, gardening, and other chores. Home-sharing offers mutual benefits, including someone being at home, being part of the community, getting to know someone new and peace of mind. There is no charge to the main householder and Sharers benefit from affordable living.
The scheme extends beyond Leeds, to neighbouring towns and cities within Yorkshire (except York). It is open to enquiries from people of any age seeking help or company at home, who have a spare room. DBS and reference checks are carried out and Welfare benefits checks can be provided if needed. The coordinator keeps in regular contact during a Homeshare match and there are careful covid measures in place too.
Recent participant, Margaret stated “I wanted a sharer so that I had the reassurance of someone with me in the house overnight. I get on well with younger people and I didn’t want to live on my own, I have a lot of life experiences and knowledge to give back to a sharer”.
To find out more:
- Call: 0113 3785410
- Website: www.leeds.gov.uk/homeshare
- Email: [email protected]
Leeds Homeshare is part of Leeds City Council.
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