You can now watch a short presentation which explains; the headline findings of the report, and what this means in relation to the health and care third sector, and people’s health and wellbeing in our city.
We have providing this recording, available on Youtube with captions, as a more accessible and digestible version of the information contained in the report.
The latest State of the Third Sector in Leeds (SotS) Report was shared in December 2023. It was sponsored by TSL, co-funded and co-produced by Forum Central and Voluntary Action Leeds and prepared by Nifty Sustainability CIC.
The report gathers data about the third sector in Leeds. It presents 2022 data and compares that with 2020 data to show:
- how many third sectors organisations there are in Leeds
- how many charities, CICs (community interest companies), social enterprises and micro organisations there are in Leeds
- how many volunteers, trustees and employees there are in Leeds.
Watch the video
Overview of key findings – State of the Third Sector in Leeds Report Presentation (13 mins, Youtube)
Share the report and video
We’d really appreciate it if you could share the report and its findings with colleagues and partners in the third sector and beyond. It is a valuable baseline and benchmarking tool for the third sector and our partners so it is well worth; familiarising yourself with this if you haven’t already, and sharing widely with third and statutory sector colleagues in order to develop a greater understanding of the third sector in Leeds, and to support further embedding of the third sector within our cross-sector working partnerships.
Updated infographic coming soon!
Forum Central and Voluntary Action Leeds are committed to updating the headline findings regularly as new data is published on Charity Commission. A refresh of the figures on the infographic is currently underway and will be shared in the near future.
For more information about the report and to view the infographic, full report, and previous report, visit the Forum Central State of the Sector webpage.