In preparation for the next phase of the Tackling Health Inequalities Toolkit please can members of The Health Inequalities Group conduct your ROAD TEST.

THIG members have agreed to commit to using the same 4 questions to seek early feedback that will help to refine and finalise the Toolkit.

The Toolkit is booked to go into the design phase in April so you’ve got a few weeks to share with teams, colleagues and critical friends (but please help by making your feedback simple and clear, and providing it as soon as possible through the online resource below).

The road testing kit contains:

1) The Draft Tackling Health Inequalities Toolkit – comprising of the main interactive resource, a quantitative data pack and a quantitative data pack (the latter might be updated to reflect insight from our diverse communities so keep your eyes peeled for an update)

2) A guide to road testing the Tackling Health Inequalities Toolkit – with lots of useful hints and tips, as well as some standard text for you to send out in advance should you wish

3) A few presentation slides that you can also use during your road test – consistent information about THIG, the Toolkit, and what we’re seeking feedback on:

4) Here is a link to the Padlet board to capture the feedback from your road test – there’s a couple of examples on there already for you to follow


Thanks to you all for your continued endeavours and happy road testing!