Date: Saturday 22nd June 2024 Time: 10am- 5pm Location: Leeds Caribbean and African Centre, 10 Laylock Place LS7

The Black Health Initiative (BHI) Health Market is a celebration of health, community, and well-being, offering a fun-filled atmosphere for families and individuals of all ages. From health resources and services to engaging activities and informative sessions, this event is designed to empower and educate participants on prioritising their health in a holistic way.

By sharing this event with your networks, you can help the BHI create a ripple effect of positive impact, reaching more individuals and families who can benefit from the valuable resources and family fun activities available at the Health Market. The BHI wants to inspire healthy choices, foster community connections, and promote wellness in a welcoming and inclusive environment.

The BHI believes that health is a journey best travelled together, and your support in sharing this event will contribute to creating a warm and inviting space where families can learn, engage, and have fun while prioritising their well-being.

Please mark your calendar, spread the word, and join them at the Black Health Initiative Health Market for a day of family-friendly activities, health-focused initiatives, and community bonding.

Poster for the BHI Health Market. Location and date info is ocntaine din the post. 
There will be guest speakers, health vendors and nutritious food, as well as music from DJ KC of Passion Radio and a live podcast. Contact