Date: Tuesday 4 March 2025
Time: 2.30 – 4.30 PM
Location: The Vinery Centre, 20 Vinery Terrace Leeds LS9 9LU
Young Lives Leeds (VAL) and Forum Central are pleased to invite you to an in person event focusing on Children and Young People in relation to Marmot City.
It will be an opportunity for our members to get an update on progress as Leeds moves towards becoming a Marmot City and the approach that is being taken for Children and Young People.
Keynote Speakers to include:
- Sarah Erskine, Head of Public Health (Health Inequalities and Core Work Programmes)
- Kathryn Ingold FFPH, Consultant in Public Health
We will receive an update on the Marmot report and action plan, followed by group discussions.
There will be plenty of opportunity for networking and sharing ideas.
This event is aimed at third sector organisations in Leeds who work towards reducing health inequalities and who work with Children and Young People.
Places are limited so please book your free place to avoid disappointment.
Book your place: Eventbrite tickets for Marmot City – Children and Young People event
If you have any questions regarding the event, please contact [email protected]