Research study into Inflammatory Arthritis
Do you or someone you know have inflammatory arthritis? If so, a team from the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) would like to hear from you. They want to talk to people about how [...]
SEND Survey for ethnically diverse young people
Do you work with SEND children and young people from minoritised ethnic communities? If so, SEND Youth Voice would like your help in their research project. They are conducting a survey interested in looking at [...]
Any Work that Wanted Doing: Exhibition Tours
An exciting exhibition is now open as part of Leeds 2023 Year of Culture, linking the past and present through the work of several disabled artists. Any work that wanted doing features new artwork by [...]
Free Safeguarding Adults Training for Volunteers
Leeds City Council are providing free Safeguarding Adults training courses for volunteers across the city. The courses cover: what safeguarding adults is and why it is important the role and responsibility of the volunteer in [...]
A Travel Blog from LOPF’s Jenni Scott
Leeds Older People's Forum Administrator Jenni Scott has written an article about the complexities of technological advancements in transportation. Jenni speaks about how these advancements can leave even the most tech savvy feeling confused. And [...]
Training Courses with Nari Ekta
NARI EKTA aim to enable Ethnic Minority women aged 16 and over, to achieve their full potential through specially designed & supported educational and training programmes. Details about the courses can be found on the [...]
Leeds For All 2022 Report
The Leeds for All International Day of Disabled People 2022 report and highlights video capture the impact of the celebration events held in Leeds. A Marketplace event took place on 30 November 2022 and [...]
Elections Update – Voter ID
To vote in person at a polling station in the local elections in May, you will need to have an accepted form of photo identification. The list of accepted IDs to check if you have [...]
Move Mates: A Buddy Walking Project
Move Mates is a walking buddy project which makes getting out for a walk a reality for people who would otherwise find it difficult to leave their homes. Their volunteers give people confidence and moral [...]
Welcome: Deaf Women’s Society
We are delighted to welcome Deaf Women’s Society, one of our latest members to join Volition and Forum Central. Deaf Women’s Society was created in 2017, in response to an identified lack of provision for Deaf [...]
Have your say | Digital self-help for musculoskeletal conditions
Forum Central are working with University of Leeds researchers to promote a project on developing a musculoskeletal (MSK) digital health intervention. The aim of the project is to develop a digital app or website for [...]
Leeds For All 2021 Review
In December 2021, Forum Central, with our members and partners from Leeds City Council and across health and care, brought together Leeds For All 2021 to mark International Day of Disabled People Groups and [...]
Leeds For All – International Day of Disabled People 2020 Event Summary Report
From 1-4 December 2020, the William Merritt Centre and Forum Central held Leeds For All to celebrate International Day of Disabled People. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, a face-to-face event was replaced with a week of [...]