Have you been discharged from mental health inpatient care, or cared for someone who has?
Researchers at the University of Leeds are conducting an interview study which is interested in the factors that keep people safe after leaving inpatient mental health care and returning to the community.
- Interviews will take up to 1 hour
- Interviews can take place face-to-face, over Teams, or via telephone, depending on your preference.
- You will also receive a £25 voucher to say thank you for taking part.
Who can take part?
- Service-users aged 18-65 years
- Been discharged from an acute adult inpatient mental health ward (not including secure or forensic wards) within the past 2 years
- Been living in the community for at least 30 days
- OR a carer of someone who fits the above.
More information
Click the following anonymous link to check your eligibility and see the participant information sheet: University of Leeds Mental Health Inpatient Care study, or email lead researcher Jessica Rich at [email protected].