A group of volunteers with direct experience of the impact of suicide have created a series of short films to reinforce good practice amongst staff working in health and care.

The short video ‘Preventing suicide: communication, support and follow-up’ highlights positive practice in suicide prevention and aims to help make the mental health system in West Yorkshire operate in the best way possible for people and families. The film addresses key issues of communication, support and the importance of effective follow ups and is about 9 minutes long. Watch below:



Bitesize videos are also available, these take the sections from the longer film and break down the themes down into three shorter videos. The YouTube links for these videos are below:


The work is part of a ‘coproduction’ project commissioned by West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership’s (WY HCP) Suicide Prevention Programme and led by Leeds Mind, to bring the voice of lived experience into suicide prevention decision-making and planning.

Further Information

The film is being shared with clinical staff at Leeds and York Partnership Foundation Trust and Bradford District Care Trust as part of a planned programme of learning.

They are also being shared more widely across the health and care landscape to aid staff development and understanding of any opportunities to improve services and minimise risk.

You can also download a powerpoint presentation of the discussion guide (includes a link to the nine-minute film) – which you might find helpful as a resource to use when sharing.