The National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health (NCCMH) has been commissioned by the NHS Race & Health Observatory (RHO) to help co-design a model that organisations can use to be anti-racist and to tackle racial inequalities in health and care.
The model will be co-produced with subject matter experts, people with lived experience, key stakeholders and RHO board members.
Who are the NHS looking to hear from?
The NHS is seeking Experts by Lived Experience who feel that their experiences of seeking healthcare for physical conditions has been negatively affected by their race or ethnic background. They would like to learn from these experiences to help design a strategy that organisations can use to ensure that they provide equitable care.
About the workshops
As part of this, the NHS would like to invite participants to a series of three design workshops where they will develop a co-produced change package. The change package will include the following elements:
- A shared purpose/aim, such as “Racial inequality in health outcomes is reduced through the implementation of RHO reccomendations.
- A theory of change (which will look at how to achieve the aim of this work). This will be broken down into large and smaller areas of focus to help achieving the aim.
- A measurement plan to help answer whether the work is progressing towards the aim.
The design workshops will take place on the following dates and you will be paid for your time:
- 8 September 2023 (4pm – 5pm)
- 23 October 2023 (1pm – 2pm)
- 24 November 2023 (2:30pm – 3:30pm)
How will this impact the work of RHO?
After the change package has been created, the NCCMH will apply it to a small number of RHO projects to ensure its feasibility and adaptability in different areas of healthcare, not only mental health.
Get involved
If you would like to attend the design workshops, please complete the following form: Race Health Observatory Implementation Model Expression of Interest Form. Please note this form is now closed.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch here: [email protected]